A Matter of Character–a poem

It’s slow at the bar, so you get another poem. This is from that same early-2000s period that poems like “Muted, Yet Splashing” and “Concert of the Night” are from. Hope you enjoy it. I am now the second bird.

A Matter of Character


Spring springs, as the open window allows the sound

Of blackbirds foraging in the backyard leaves,

For worms an other slithering treats.

Not recognizing the sound, I think

Maybe the man has come to check the meter,

Or maybe a nerighbor is raking leaves.

I approach the window;

All but two of the birds take wing.

One senses that he is alone and

Flies off to find the others,

Like a five year-old realizing he has been left

on a church play’s stage alone.

The other remains, not noticing me or my proximity,

Only the worms.

I am the first bird wanting to be the second.


26 february 2001–English 399

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