Good advice from our friend Ravi Singh.

ravi singh

I want to share with you a brilliant quote from Richard Carlson-“Acceptance may sound like inaction but when you try to practice it, you will see that it is anything but doing nothing.It sometimes requires more effort than the Complaining,Confronting or Claming up you would normally do. But…….once you experience the freedom it brings-acceptance can become almost second nature.”

Acceptance. Looking for the blessing in disguise amid adversity.Relaxing into whatever situation you find yourself in. Embracing the age-old adage that LIFE DOES NOT GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT BUT JUST MIGHT SEND YOU WHAT YOU NEED.

According to life’s rule, we all get hard days and mean seasons, from time to time.That’s because you and I are enrolled in Greatness School.And challenge, conflict, confusion and uncertainty are beautifully orchestrated vehicles for our growth.

But at the same time, let me tell you, days do get better and seasons always change…

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